Are You In Trouble With Debt?

Are You In Trouble With Debt?

People often don’t recognize that they are in trouble with debt until it is too late. Ask yourself these questions to see whether or not you are in trouble with debt.

People often don’t recognize that they are in trouble with debt until it is too late. Ask yourself these questions to see whether or not you are in trouble with debt.

1. In trouble with debt: Do you have a clear picture of your credit card debt?
Many people feel they have a credit card debt problem, but they refuse to acknowledge it. They avoid looking at their credit card balances. They still use their credit cards, even though they know they shouldn’t. They pay off one credit card with a check from another. They transfer credit card debt balances instead of making payments. These are all signs that your credit card debt could be getting out of control.
2. In trouble with debt: Do you pay only the minimum credit card payment every month?
Paying only the monthly minimum can get you into credit card debt trouble quickly. Paying the monthly minimum will cover the interest and fees associated with your credit card, but it will not begin to decrease the credit card debt you owe.
3. In trouble with debt: Do you make late payments? Have you missed payments entirely?
Making a late payment usually means you’re waiting for the money to come in. This means you’re behind already and you will have trouble catching up. Missing payments entirely just means you’re getting further behind on your credit card debt.
4. In trouble with debt: Are you using credit cards to buy things because you don’t have the money to pay for them at that time? You can get into trouble with debt quickly with credit cards if you’re using them to buy things you cannot afford. If you can’t afford an item this month, it’s likely you’ll not be able to afford it the next month either. If you continue to buy things you cannot afford, you will get into more credit card debt trouble.
5. In trouble with debt: Does your paycheck only your bills? If your paycheck is already spent before you get it, chances are you have trouble with debt.
6. In trouble with debt: Do you choose the longest terms for a new debt? If you buy a new car, do you choose to pay over 60 months or 36? If you consistently choose the longest loan period for a major purchase so that you can afford the payments along with all your other payments, you have a problem with the amount of debt you’re carrying.
7. In trouble with debt: Have you already gone through a home equity loan to pay down your debt? If you have and you’re still running up more debt, you have debt trouble.
8. In trouble with debt: How much monthly debt do you have every month when compared to your income? If your unsecured debt (not including mortgage or rent) is more than 20% of your paycheck, you are in trouble with debt.
9. In trouble with debt: Do you have savings for a rainy day? If you don’t have a fund for an emergency and you have debts, you are in trouble with debt.
10. In trouble with debt: Do you worry about money? If you spend more time worrying about your debts than you do paying them, chances are you are in trouble with debt.

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