Archive | Bankruptcy

Filing for Bankruptcy Protection in Georgia

Filing for Bankruptcy Protection in Georgia

Bankruptcy laws vary from one state to another. Here is a breakdown of Georgia bankruptcy guidelines to help you understand the differences when filing for Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13.

A Georgia bankruptcy lawyer will probably begin your consultation by explaining the difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This often includes what is called a “means test.” This involves asking some very personal questions about your assets, debts and your financial goals. The answers you provide to these questions will help you and your bankruptcy lawyer determine if filing Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy is right for you.

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Are You In Trouble With Debt?

Are You In Trouble With Debt?

People often don’t recognize that they are in trouble with debt until it is too late. Ask yourself these questions to see whether or not you are in trouble with debt.

People often don’t recognize that they are in trouble with debt until it is too late. Ask yourself these questions to see whether or not you are in trouble with debt.

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What Happens When I Don’t Pay My Bills?

What Happens When I Don’t Pay My Bills?

For a variety of reasons, there are times when you can’t make the payments on your bills. What happens when I don’t pay my bills?

During the current economic crisis, it has become more and more common to hear of people who can’t pay their monthly bills. This may happen when one person in the family loses a job or gets a pay cut. It may happen when the interest rate on a variable mortgage payment rises and the payment is now higher, leaving less money for other bills. For a variety of reasons, there are times when you can’t make the payments on your bills. What happens when I don’t pay my bills?

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What Happens When You File for Bankruptcy?

What Happens When You File for Bankruptcy?

When a person or company is no longer able to pay its creditors, the individual or firm usually files for bankruptcy protection. Typically, a bankruptcy filing is initiated voluntarily by the person, who will declare him/herself unable to meet his/her creditors. The most common form of bankruptcy generally protects an individual or firm’s assets from creditors.

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